Vander's Thoughts

Vander's Thoughts

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


This past week we took a little adventure and went floating down a local river. I can honestly say I have a new favorite way to relax. There is nothing like letting the current of a river pull you along at an undetermined course and once in awhile surprise you with a rapid.

Floating is a cool thing but it is also one of those words we often associate with laziness or having no direction in life. Which makes me realize that there really are two ways to look at floating, I can go floating and do nothing or I can go floating and do something. I know it sounds contradictory, but let me explain.

Floating in a river i have the benefit of being pulled in the direction that the river determines. The river is flowing in one direction and I can know where I am headed even though I don’t necessarily know will happen on my way. It is my responsibility to pay attention to the current and what is happening around me so I don’t get into a bad situation. If I don’t position myself correctly on the river I might flip my tube or worse pop it.

It is the same reality in life when trusting God’s plan for our lives. God has a plan for our lives that carries us along like a river. The more I trust His overall plan for my life I can navigate the ripples of life and adjust my course in an enjoyable manner. If I were to ignore the sovereignty of God over my life I can get caught in unsuspecting torrents and not know what to do thus flipping my world upside down. I can float trusting God and use the instincts and wisdom to guide me or I can float aimlessly in life and see what happens and then blame him when I don't like the outcome.

The bible speaks of two types of floaters in this world, the one who trusts and rests in God and the other who ignores and fights Him. I like the first type of floater because the way I see it, I can both rest and live in Him. I think I'll continue to float like this because it just seems much more enjoyable this way.

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