This past weekend was a sobering reminder to me about how broken our world is. I went to bed Saturday night saddened by the shootings in El Paso Texas, only to wake up Sunday morning angered by another shooting tragedy in Dayton Ohio. In 2019 alone there have been 17 mass shootings with 104 victims. We have a serious problem in our country.
The really sad part is that with each of these tragedies, a different type of unintended death is occurring in our country, our unity. Every time a mass shooting happens our first response is to try and figure out who or what is to blame. To some it’s a gun rights issue. To others it’s a violent video game dilemma. And to many it the failure of our politicians. Unfortunately with every occurrence we don’t come up with answers, but only increase the division that we have in our nation. This has to stop if we want the United States of America to stay united. The weapon that is really killing our country is hate not guns.
I’m not saying I have the solution, but If we are ever going to solve this problem, and all the others facing our great nation, it will be through our unity. Instead of fighting over this issue lets unite over it. Let’s find a common ground to stand on, rather than choosing a side to fire at. Let’s allow our love to guide us towards healing, instead of our frustration to move us further apart. Let’s offer a helping hand to those who are hurting, rather than shake our fists at those who think differently.
If our nation is ever going to move towards unity again, it will be because we choose to respond in love instead of hate. Love is more powerful than hate. It always has been and always will be.
“To you who are ready for the truth, I say this: Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer for that person...I tell you, love your enemies. Help and give without expecting a return. You’ll never—I promise—regret it.” - Jesus (Luke 6)